Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Give Facebook a Pink Theme Instead of Blue

While we can’t understand why anybody would want a pink version of Facebook, we’re quite certain that someone somewhere would like it that way. Perhaps somebody of a less geeky persuasion.
There’s another reason why you might find this interesting of course—while you might be a geek and would prefer green on black for your Facebook experience, there’s a good chance your significant other, mom, or little sister might want it pink. You can score some brownie points by setting it up for them.
If you’re using Google Chrome as your web browser, all you have to do is head to the link below, and then click the Install button:

If you’re using Firefox, you’re going to have to head over to Mozilla Add-ons, install theGreasemonkey add-on, and then click the install button. If you’re using Internet Explorer, you’re pretty much out of luck, since user scripts don’t work on Internet Explorer.
Note: to uninstall from Chrome, head into Tools -> Extensions and click the uninstall button.
Facebook – pink! []